The Personal Plan -Part 2

Ayisha Bibi
4 min readJun 5, 2021

“Every search begins with the beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested” — The Alchemist


This week’s challenges were completely different. Let me give you a recap of the last blog I wrote. We created a page to target the youth of our country. To give them a platform where they could read about their career and future goals. We want students, young professionals, fresh graduates etc, all those who are struggling in their lives to understand that there is a platform where they could reach out freely.

Organization & Management

Our organization and management were pretty well. Every member wrote 2 blogs on their part and we uploaded them on our website. This week’s goals were quite difficult. And they were not enough to get an audience on our Instagram, LinkedIn page, and website.


Ayisha Bibi — Writing blogs

Kashif Zada — Articles on Engineering

Sajid Khan — Articles on Freelancing

Faryal Qazi — Promotion on social media platforms

Fatima Naveed — Promotion & monitoring of the website.


We reached out to about 100 professionals personally on LinkedIn and only about 1% of them actually took our project quite seriously. Our blog website is still far behind. By taking a look at Mega-projects of others. We realized one thing. We were in dire need of followers and still are. But on other social platforms, the story is entirely different.

Sustainability- Is our project sustainable? Is it feasible enough to work in the future?

Yes, it is. This project will be long term and it’s not something that will gain overnight fame. It’s an editorial blog website designed to guide people. It will take a lot of time to get exposure. And it will be continued even after our fellowship. But yes, at that time, there will only one person who will be in charge of the website, and that's Fatima Naveed. She’s our major stakeholder and we are just investors. And I believe that she’ll do a great job at it.

Hurdles and a bit of karma….

And what I find hilarious is that whoever I try to talk to or tell them to follow our page. Instead of following or even bothering to answer, people would just ignore my messages. Then it struck me. It’s KARMA. I remembered the times when people would ask me for support and I’d just say okay or leave it be. Well, that’s what is happening to me. Our team’s page is not getting enough followers. Now, what should we do in this regard? I pity myself for not focusing on that Digital Marketing course. It would have become handy now.

Today, I just asked a particular person about consequences. Consequences after making a decision? Have you ever thought of that? I never have and now I do. Pain and hardships are necessary in order to make a person strong but in our team’s case, it is our page. We need to work very hard. I feel that this is a very sustainable idea and would go a long way. But there’s a lot of work to do.

Even after the Amal Fellowship, this will go on. So, if we’re getting fewer followers, it is still better than getting none. Always look on the brighter side of life.

The condition of digital marketers these days. My sympathies are with you.

Alright. Let’s get back to business. Shall we?

Here are our stats for the week.

Please let us know if you have any comments and suggestions. We’re open to your valuable feedback. Thank you!

